Monday, September 03, 2007

belts need to be made more like belts

I hate 80's fashion. I was tortured with that shit growing up, and I don't need it anymore. 5 years ago everyone made fun of how awful the 80's looked, but now it's some kind of new nostalgia craze for college clubbers and stupid teens born in the 90's who knew nothing of our suffering.

And girls, tight jeans only make you look like a triangle if you have anything that remotely resembles hips, and you want those hips babe, they look nice, just not in anything less than boot cut. If you're really stuck on the "I want to show off my calves/ankles" just throw on a pair of thigh highs and a skirt. That will accentuate the niceness of your ass instead of making it look akwardly place on top of your legs.

Zubaz always looked like tacky pajamas.

And elastic belts look ghetto, and not in a good way either, in a trashy, I dug this out of the dumpster and it's only half broken sort of way.

Speaking of belts, all belts officially suck. Why? because they are now made like crap. "Genuine Leather" cannot be paper mache' with two pieces of leather glued to either side of it, that is "genuine recycled paper'" end of story.

Polka dots are to the eyes what polka music is to the ears.

Little kid prints are for little kids.

Neon colors are for letting patrons know what beer is on tap.

And anything that billows out around your waist looks like maternity.

Even perfect boobs look saggy in a tube top. I seriously don't get this shit, all the angles are wrong, all the lines are bad, 80's fashion can acutally make pretty girls look ugly.

Oh & fucking quit whisker washing/pre distressing things. If I wanted old clothes I would be shopping at the thrift stores. I thought maybe that shit would be done with this 80's bullshit, but oh no, we have to keep the worst of everything.

Just because someone who is signed to a major record label wears it, does not make it ok or them "creative". Attention everyone: common sence has left the building.

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